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Do you think your future job might be connected to fixing a global issue; if so, which one and how?


How do you perceive the role of social entrepreneurship in creating a more equitable global market?


What kind of global problem do you think could unite people my age, and how might we go about solving it?


If a brand dedicated part of its profits to fighting global poverty, how much more willing would you be to buy its products?


Could you imagine living in a society that values time over money; what would your daily routine look like?


Do you think a global minimum wage could work, and how might it change the economy in your country?


If your local businesses started prioritizing ethical sourcing, how might that influence the community's economy?


How might your educational path change if schools focused more on teaching global interdependence and cooperation?


If you realized that your favorite hobby had a negative impact globally, would you still pursue it and why?


If there was a global democratic platform for the youth, what issue would you vote on first, and why?


How do you think the spread of high-speed internet has influenced global economic equality?


What local issue do you see as part of a larger global challenge, and what inspires you to address it?


How would your online habits change if you knew each click had a tangible impact on another person's life?


How do you think a more inclusive global economy could directly benefit your local community?


Would you be willing to give up fast fashion for environmentally sustainable clothing; why or why not?


What's a global problem you wish more people knew about, and why do you care about it?


How might changing our buying habits influence the way companies treat their workers?


What does 'being globally responsible' mean to you in your everyday life?


How would you encourage your friends to engage in issues like fair trade or labor rights without overwhelming them?


Why do you think some countries are more affected by climate change than others, and what can we do to help?


How might your school or community be different if it operated on principles of social justice?


Can you think of a personal skill or interest you have that could contribute to a global cause, and how would you apply it?


Would you wear clothing made from recycled materials if it became the new trend, and how do you think it could impact the fashion industry?


If a local event about global environmental issues was happening, what topics would you want covered and why?


How would you convince your peers that volunteering locally can have global impacts?


How can we as individuals support farmers and producers in developing countries from our own neighborhoods?


If you had to write a persuasive speech on ethical consumerism, what would be your key argument?


What’s one habit you could change to reduce your ecological footprint, and what stands in your way?


How would your day-to-day life change if society valued emotional intelligence as much as academic or professional achievements?


How might prioritizing health care for everyone alter the global landscape in the future?


In what ways do you think art and music can contribute to solving global issues?


What would you say to someone who believes their actions don't matter in the global scheme of things?


If social justice had a sound, what would it be and why do you think it would fit?


How do you think history books will describe our current era of globalization 50 years from now?


Have you encountered a situation where respecting diversity led to a better outcome, and can this be applied globally?


If you witnessed unfair trade practices in a store, what would you do and why?


Have you ever felt connected to a cause in another country, and what inspired that feeling?


How would you feel about a future where access to clean water and education mattered more than global stock markets?


What's one way you think you could make a difference in bridging the digital divide between different countries?


How did a story about someone from a different part of the world change your perspective or actions?


What's a global issue you feel isn't getting enough attention and how might young people make a difference in it?


How do you reconcile the desire for the latest gadgets with the impact of e-waste on global communities?


If you could address one issue that you believe is caused by current forms of globalization, what would it be?


How important do you believe local community engagement is in solving global issues?


Have you ever experienced or witnessed the benefits of diverse cultures collaborating, and what was the outcome?


How might your shopping habits be impacted if all products included information about their environmental footprint?


How do you feel about the working conditions in developing countries that produce your clothes or electronics?


What does a sustainable future mean to you, and what everyday choices could you make to support it?


How would you describe the ideal balance between economic development and preserving cultural traditions?


How do you feel when you hear about income inequality around the world, and what action could you take to address it?