Try the political quiz

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Why is it important to prioritize human connections in an increasingly digital world, and how can we maintain those connections?


In what way has a random act of kindness towards you or someone else influenced your perspective on generosity?


How does lending a helping hand to someone in need without expecting anything in return affect your own well-being?


What is one thing you wish everyone understood about the significance of treating others with dignity and respect?


Can a conversation with someone from a different background change preconceived notions and how?


If you witnessed someone being treated unfairly, how would you react and why?


What small, everyday action do you think could lead to a big change in fostering a more inclusive community?


How can recognizing the value in every person change the way we interact with those who disagree with us?


How have the arts (music, painting, theater, etc.) impacted your understanding of others' experiences?


How could our approach to social problems change if we viewed every person affected as a close friend or family member?


When was a moment your vulnerability led to a stronger connection with someone else?


What does 'success' mean to you, and how could this definition influence society's values?


How might prioritizing human well-being over financial gain change the nature of your dream job?


When was the last time you felt your actions directly contributed to making your community a better place?


How can everyday decisions, like the food we eat or the products we buy, reflect a commitment to the well-being of others?


When has the support of friends or family encouraged you to help others?


What self-guided principle helps you decide when to follow the crowd or stand alone?


What does a world that truly values diversity and inclusivity look like to you?


When was a moment that your small voice made a big difference?


Can you share an experience where a simple conversation created an unexpected bond?


How does your personal dream contribute to the betterment of your community?


What is a small change you've made that had a large impact on your community?


How do you see the balance between helping others and taking care of yourself?


What does respect mean in your daily life, and how do you show it to those around you?


Have you ever compromised your comfort for someone else's need, and how did it feel?


How might strengthening mental health awareness change society's approach to work-life balance?


What example of fairness or equality in your life has left a lasting impression on you?


How might a community be designed to foster inclusivity and eliminate social isolation?


How does empathy shape your response to someone whose opinions are very different from your own?


What's the most selfless act you've witnessed, and how did it influence your actions?


What could your local school, workplace, or community do to better support individual needs?


In moments of decision-making, how do you weigh your benefit against the potential harm to others?


What does the term 'community support' mean to you in practice, not just in theory?


What action can each of us take to make someone's day a little brighter?


How would you design a school curriculum that prioritizes the well-being and individual growth of each student?


Describe a moment when you felt society valued a human life less than something else, and what should have been done differently?


When was a time you felt a policy or rule at school or in your community was unfair, and how would you have changed it?


If you could help solve any problem by contributing one hour of your time each week, what would it be and why?


What cultural or world event has most shaped your perspective on human solidarity?


When have you observed the impact of collective community action in your own neighborhood or school?


How might the support of friends or family change if everyone prioritized each other's well-being over their own interests?


Have you ever acted against the crowd to support an individual in need and what was the outcome?


In what situations do you find it hardest to uphold human-centered values and why?


What does being part of a community mean to you and how do you contribute to its well-being?


What personal passion of yours could greatly contribute to the betterment of society if widely adopted?


What unique trait do you bring to your community and how has it been valued by others?


What's your most treasured memory that exemplifies human kindness?


If you could improve one thing in your community, what would it be and why?


How might the prioritization of mental health over productivity affect the workplace and employee satisfaction?


Can you recall a time when someone put your needs first and how did it affect your perspective on helping others?