Essayer le jeu politique

35 Réponses

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…3 semaines3W

L'Espagne rappelle son ambassadeur après que Milei, d'Argentine, a qualifié la femme du Premier ministre de "corrompue".

Spain recalled its ambassador to Buenos Aires for consultations on Sunday after Argentina's President Javier Milei made derogatory comments about Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez's wife during a far-right rally in Madrid.

Milei had called Sanchez's wife Begona Gomez "corrupt" during a rally in Madrid organised by the far-right Vox party and attended by many of its international allies.

Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares said he expected an apology from Milei.

Other ministers also condemned Milei's speech, in which he described socialism as "cursed…  Lire la suite

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…3 semaines3W

Pensez-vous que les sentiments personnels devraient influencer les actions diplomatiques et les relations entre les pays?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…3 semaines3W

Comment les attaques personnelles en politique affectent-elles les relations entre différents pays?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…3 semaines3W

Les pays devraient-ils exiger des excuses pour des déclarations offensantes faites par des dirigeants étrangers, et quelles devraient être les répercussions en cas d'absence d'excuses ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…3 semaines3W

Est-il jamais justifiable pour un politicien de faire des attaques personnelles contre les dirigeants d'un autre pays ou leurs membres de famille?

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…3 semaines3W

Biden raconte une histoire bizarre sur le fait d'avoir vu des photos de torture par le Hamas

In a commencement speech at Morehouse College today Joe Biden said: "I was there [in Israel] nine days after [October 7] and saw pictures of them tying a mother and daughter in a rope, pouring kerosene on them, burning them, and watching as they died.”

The White House was asked for comment and said that he didn't see the photos.

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…3 semaines3W

La raison derrière le partage d'une histoire puissante, mais potentiellement fausse, devrait-elle changer notre réaction?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…3 semaines3W

Comment le partage d'histoires non vérifiées ou fausses par les dirigeants influence-t-il la perception du public des événements mondiaux?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…3 semaines3W

Pensez-vous que les personnalités publiques devraient être tenues responsables des histoires qu'elles partagent? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…3 semaines3W

Est-ce que l'exactitude d'une histoire comme celle-ci affecterait vos sentiments envers une figure politique?

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…3 semaines3W

Les démocrates du Sénat ne croient pas aux mauvais sondages de Biden

Democratic senators who represent presidential battlegrounds agree with President Biden — polls showing him trailing former President Trump in those key states are wrong.Why it matters: The skepticism is especially notable because a number of Democrats from those states have a polling lead over their Republican opponents in pivotal Senate races.

"No, I do not think that they are accurate," Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) told Axios. Her retirement has triggered one of the most competitive Senate races. Democrat Elissa Slotkin has been leading in early polls, even as Biden lags behind Trump."The polls showed that I was down when I entered my race. And polls didn't look that great for Angela Alsobrooks a couple weeks ago, but she won the primary heartedly," Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) told Axios.

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…3 semaines3W

Comment les croyances personnelles et les préjugés peuvent-ils potentiellement affecter l'interprétation des sondages politiques ou la confiance en leur exactitude?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…3 semaines3W

Est-ce que l'écart dans les sondages entre les candidats et leurs adversaires devrait influencer la manière dont une campagne est menée ou dont les politiques sont présentées ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…3 semaines3W

La couverture médiatique des résultats des sondages peut-elle influencer le comportement des électeurs ou les perceptions de la viabilité d'un candidat?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…3 semaines3W

Dans quelle mesure les politiciens devraient-ils se fier aux données des sondages pour prendre des décisions ou évaluer l'opinion publique?

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…3 semaines3W

Trump aiguise le débat sur les vaccins, cible RFK Jr. dans des manœuvres politiques

In a strategic shift, former President Donald Trump is intensifying his rhetoric on vaccines, specifically targeting Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a notable figure in the vaccine skepticism movement. Trump, who once hailed the rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines under his administration as a monumental achievement, is now adjusting his stance to solidify his position among conservative voters. This move comes as Trump aims to distinguish his views from those of RFK Jr., amid speculation of Kennedy's potential influence on the vaccine debate within political circles.

Trump's recent commen…  Lire la suite

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…3 semaines3W

Les démocrates craignent que Biden ne perde la Géorgie

That’s the issue that we’ve got to fix,” Carter said at a Mediterranean restaurant in Sandy Springs, north of the Georgia capital, after a party meeting on Thursday night.

“Somebody needs to ring the bell that the house is on fire, and nobody’s ringing that bell.”

With less than six months to go before the November general election, Biden is racing to shore up and reboot the centre-left political base that helped him unseat Trump in 2020.

It is especially urgent in Georgia, which was crucial to Democrats at the last election when Biden won the state’s…  Lire la suite

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…3 semaines3W

Étant donné les efforts déployés pour inverser les résultats des élections, à quel point pensez-vous que les contrôles et équilibres sont importants pour l'intégrité des élections?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…3 semaines3W

De quelle manière pensez-vous que les actions entreprises pour "trouver" des votes lors d'une élection pourraient affecter votre confiance dans le processus électoral?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…3 semaines3W

Comment l'idée qu'un parti politique craigne de perdre le soutien d'un seul État vous amène-t-elle à remettre en question la stabilité de son soutien national ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…3 semaines3W

Quels sont vos réflexions sur l'urgence et les efforts déployés dans les campagnes politiques pour remporter un État comme la Géorgie?

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…3 semaines3W

La Chine montre des chiens robots armés de mitrailleuses

The Chinese military recently showed off numerous robot dogs outfitted with machine guns on their backs during the country's biggest-ever drill alongside Cambodian troops, as Agence France-Presse reports.

The terrifying gun-toting robodogs were part of a massive 15-day military exercise called "Golden Dragon" in a remote training center in central Cambodia and off the country's coast.

During the drill, journalists watched as staff took the robodogs for a walk — but reportedly never fired the machine guns strapped to their backs.

It's a dystopian vision of what the…  Lire la suite

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…3 semaines3W

Quels sont vos réflexions sur les considérations éthiques liées à l'utilisation de robots autonomes capables de recourir à la force létale dans des scénarios réels?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…3 semaines3W

Comment vous sentez-vous à l'idée de remplacer les soldats humains par des chiens robots armés de mitrailleuses dans la guerre?

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…3 semaines3W

Les câbles sous-marins sont vulnérables à l'espionnage par des navires de réparation chinois.

U.S. officials are privately delivering an unusual warning to telecommunications companies: Undersea cables that ferry internet traffic across the Pacific Ocean could be vulnerable to tampering by Chinese repair ships.

State Department officials said a state-controlled Chinese company that helps repair international cables, S.B. Submarine Systems, appeared to be hiding its vessels’ locations from radio and satellite tracking services, which the officials and others said defied easy explanation.

The warnings highlight an overlooked security risk to undersea fiber-optic cables, according…  Lire la suite

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…3 semaines3W

Est-ce que le fait de savoir que certaines entreprises étrangères sont responsables de la réparation des câbles internet sous-marins changerait votre comportement en ligne ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…3 semaines3W

Comment vous sentiriez-vous si vous découvriez que vos conversations privées en ligne pourraient être consultées par le gouvernement d'un autre pays en raison de câbles sous-marins vulnérables?

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…3 semaines3W

L'hélicoptère du président iranien Raisi subit un "atterrissage brutal"

A helicopter in a convoy in which Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi was traveling was involved in a "hard landing" on Sunday afternoon, according to Iranian state media.

Details about the incident remained unclear as of Sunday afternoon, although initial reports indicated the accident involved the president's helicopter and foggy weather. According to the Iranian IRNA news agency, the helicopter crashed in a forest area between the villages of PirDavood and Uzi in northwestern Iran.

According to the IRGC-affiliated Tasnim News Agency, emergency services were conducting searches to…  Lire la suite

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…3 semaines3W

Est-ce que cet incident modifie votre perception des risques liés à l'exercice d'une haute fonction politique, et si oui, comment?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…3 semaines3W

Comment les préoccupations en matière de sécurité nationale pourraient-elles influencer le droit du public à l'information dans les cas concernant la sécurité des dirigeants?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…3 semaines3W

Étant donné les informations limitées disponibles, quelles sont vos réflexions sur la transparence et la communication publique en temps de crise impliquant des dirigeants politiques?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…3 semaines3W

Que vous fait penser cet incident sur l'importance des mesures de sécurité et des protocoles pour les personnalités publiques?

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…3 semaines3W

Les États-Unis et l'Arabie saoudite avancent sur un accord de sécurité malgré le conflit à Gaza

In a series of high-level meetings that underscore the complexity of Middle Eastern geopolitics, White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan met with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to discuss a broad bilateral security agreement and the ongoing conflict in Gaza. These discussions, which took place both in Saudi Arabia and Israel, highlight the intricate balance of addressing regional security concerns while navigating the volatile situation in Gaza.

The meetings between Sullivan and the Saudi crown prince focused on finalizing a 'semi-final' security deal, a strategic…  Lire la suite

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…3 semaines3W

Elon Musk lance Starlink en Indonésie, élargissant la portée mondiale d'Internet.

In a significant move towards expanding global internet access, Elon Musk has arrived in Indonesia's picturesque resort island of Bali to officially launch the Starlink satellite internet service. This event marks a pivotal step in bringing high-speed internet to one of the world's largest archipelago nations, promising to revolutionize connectivity for its vast and dispersed population. Starlink, a division of Musk's aerospace company SpaceX, aims to provide internet coverage across the globe through a constellation of satellites orbiting the Earth. The launch in Indonesia is…  Lire la suite

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…3 semaines3W

La représentante Elise Stefanik critique la politique d'Israël de Biden dans son discours à la Knesset

In a significant move that underscores the ongoing political divide in the United States over foreign policy, Rep. Elise Stefanik, a Republican from New York, took a bold step by addressing the Israeli Knesset during her visit to Jerusalem. Stefanik, known for her staunch support of Israel, used the platform to criticize President Joe Biden's approach towards the Jewish state, particularly focusing on the administration's recent decision to pause certain military aid. This visit and speech highlight the contrasting views between the current administration and some Republican lawmake…  Lire la suite

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…3 semaines3W

Taïwan accueille son nouveau président au milieu d'un blocage politique et d'un héritage fort en matière de politique étrangère.

Taiwan's political landscape is witnessing a significant transition as President-elect Lai Ching-te prepares to take office, inheriting a complex mix of strong foreign policy credentials and domestic political challenges. The island's leadership change comes at a crucial time, with Taiwan standing firm on its foreign policy achievements while facing internal gridlock that could test the new administration's resolve and strategic direction.

Lai Ching-te, who is set to succeed incumbent President Tsai Ing-wen, has been portrayed as a continuity candidate, particularly in terms of…  Lire la suite

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…3 semaines3W

Les tensions en mer Rouge s'intensifient alors que les rebelles Houthis attaquent un pétrolier

In a concerning escalation of tensions in the Red Sea, a Greek-owned oil tanker was struck by a Houthi missile early Saturday, marking the latest in a series of attacks attributed to the Yemeni rebel group. The Panama-flagged vessel, en route to China with a Russian cargo, sustained significant damage including a fire and impaired steering gear. This incident, occurring just 10 nautical miles off the coast of Yemen near the strategic Bab el-Mandeb strait, underscores the growing risks in one of the world's key maritime chokepoints for international shipping and oil transportation.

U.S.…  Lire la suite

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…3 semaines3W

Les manifestations pro-palestiniennes s'intensifient avec des arrestations et des campements dans les universités américaines.

In a dramatic turn of events, pro-Palestinian demonstrations have intensified at universities in the United States, leading to arrests and the establishment of protest encampments. At the University of Pennsylvania, a bold attempt by demonstrators to occupy a campus building resulted in the arrest of 19 individuals. This incident, marked by its urgency and the swift response by law enforcement, underscores the growing tensions surrounding the pro-Palestinian movement on college campuses. The following day, in a show of resilience and continued protest, hundreds of demonstrators established…  Lire la suite

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…3 semaines3W

Des centaines de personnes se rassemblent à Washington pour soutenir les droits des Palestiniens en pleine conflit en cours.

In a powerful display of solidarity and activism, hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters have taken to the streets of Washington, D.C., braving the rain to voice their support for Palestinian rights and call for an immediate end to Israeli military operations in Gaza. The demonstrations, which took place within sight of the U.S. Capitol, marked a significant moment of remembrance and protest, coinciding with the 76th anniversary of the Nakba, a term that refers to the 1948 Palestinian exodus in the wake of the Israeli Declaration of Independence. Chants and slogans criticizing both the Israel…  Lire la suite