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 @ISIDEWITHlié…1 semaine1W

Israël dit qu'il peut renvoyer le Liban à l'âge de pierre alors que l'ONU met en garde contre la guerre

Israel said it does not want war in Lebanon but could send its neighbour "back to the Stone Age", as the UN's humanitarian chief warned such a conflict would be "potentially apocalyptic". The border between the two countries has seen daily exchanges of ...

 @ISIDEWITHlié…1 semaine1W

Israël menace d'envoyer le Liban "retour à l'âge de pierre" alors que l'ONU met en garde contre une guerre totale "potentiellement apocalyptique" entre l'armée israélienne et le Hezbollah.…

Israel has sent a stark warning to Hezbollah that it could 'take Lebanon back to the Stone Age' if border clashes erupt into a wider regional war. Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant made the comments during a visit to Washington on Wednesday ...