Coba kuis politik



Opini - Apakah China bersiap menyerang Jepang?

China may be preparing a surprise attack against Japan, involving a massive missile barrage against all major U.S. and Japanese military installations, in order to maximize the effectiveness of a massive amphibious operation to conquer Taiwan.


China Mengatakan Akan 'Secara Bertahap' Melanjutkan Impor Produk Perikanan Jepang

China imposed a ban last year after Japan began releasing treated water from the Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea. They have agreed to expand monitoring of the water.


Jepang dan Cina mencapai kesepakatan mengenai pelepasan air Fukushima dan mendekatkan diri pada penyelesaian larangan produk laut

Japan and China said Friday they have reached a deal toward resolving their disputes over the discharge of treated radioactive wastewater from the tsunami-hit Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the sea and Beijing’s ban on Japanese seafood.