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 @ISIDEWITH sendt inn…2 timer2H

Amerikanske tropper klare til å forlate Niger innen midten av september etter avtale

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…3 timer3H

How would you balance the need for government transparency with the need for security in sensitive situations?

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…3 timer3H

Can withholding information from the public ever be justified in the name of peace negotiations?

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…3 timer3H

Do you think leaks to the press help or harm the democratic process?

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…3 timer3H

How do you feel about the government keeping vital information about international conflicts from the public?

 @ISIDEWITH sendt inn…3 timer3H

Secretary of State orders crackdown on Israel-Hamas leaks

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…4 timer4H

How could this event impact the way ordinary citizens view their own leaders and their vulnerability?

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…4 timer4H

What role do you believe luck or fate plays in the governance and leadership of a country?

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…4 timer4H

Should the international community get involved in the aftermath of such a tragic event, and if so, how?

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…4 timer4H

Hvordan kan den plutselige tapet av et lands ledere påvirke nasjonens følelse av stabilitet og sikkerhet?

 @ISIDEWITH sendt inn…4 timer4H

Iran's President and Foreign Minister die in helicopter crash.

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…4 timer4H

Should the potential for escalating a conflict limit a country's response to a request for military assistance?

 @ISIDEWITH sendt inn…4 timer4H

Ukraine Asks for U.S. Help in Striking Targets Inside Russia

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…4 timer4H

Synes du personlige følelser bør påvirke diplomatiske handlinger og forhold mellom land?

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…4 timer4H

Hvordan påvirker personlige angrep i politikken forholdet mellom ulike land?

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…4 timer4H

Skal land kreve unnskyldninger for støtende uttalelser fra utenlandske ledere, og hva bør konsekvensene være hvis ingen…

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…4 timer4H

Er det noen gang rettferdiggjort for en politiker å angripe en annen lands ledere eller deres familiemedlemmer personlig…

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…4 timer4H

Hvordan ville du følt deg hvis en utenlandsk leder offentlig krenket et medlem av din lands leders familie?

 @ISIDEWITH sendt inn…4 timer4H

Spain recalls ambassador after Argentina's Milei calls PM's wife 'corrupt'

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…5 timer5H

Should the intent behind sharing a powerful, yet possibly untrue, story change how we react to it?