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 @ISIDEWITHvinculado…1 semana1W

Israel diz que pode enviar o Líbano de volta à Idade da Pedra, enquanto a ONU adverte contra a guerra


Israel said it does not want war in Lebanon but could send its neighbour "back to the Stone Age", as the UN's humanitarian chief warned such a conflict would be "potentially apocalyptic". The border between the two countries has seen daily exchanges of ...

 @ISIDEWITHvinculado…1 semana1W

Israel ameaça enviar o Líbano de volta à Idade da Pedra, enquanto a ONU alerta para uma guerra total "potencialmente apocalíptica" entre as Forças de Defesa de Israel e o Hezbollah.


Israel has sent a stark warning to Hezbollah that it could 'take Lebanon back to the Stone Age' if border clashes erupt into a wider regional war. Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant made the comments during a visit to Washington on Wednesday ...