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10 отговора

 @ISIDEWITHПопитан…8 месеца8MO

How would you reimagine your local community if the primary focus was on the well-being of every individual?

 @ISIDEWITHПопитан…8 месеца8MO

 @ISIDEWITHПопитан…8 месеца8MO

 @ISIDEWITHПопитан…8 месеца8MO

 @ISIDEWITHПопитан…8 месеца8MO

Can you think of a time when you felt that your voice was (or wasn't) heard by those in power, and how did it make you feel?

 @ISIDEWITHПопитан…8 месеца8MO

 @ISIDEWITHПопитан…8 месеца8MO

 @ISIDEWITHПопитан…8 месеца8MO

How can communities better include diverse voices in decision-making processes to ensure all perspectives are heard?

 @ISIDEWITHПопитан…8 месеца8MO

What's a social or environmental issue you're passionate about, and why does it matter to you personally?

 @ISIDEWITHПопитан…8 месеца8MO

Imagine a future where economic policies truly reflect the needs of the majority; what does that future look like to you?